Jim Vankoski

Author's posts

Mickey’s Horsehide

I received a wonderful e-mail from Jim Vankoski, this morning. Mark, thought you would get a kick out of this. Jay saw Mickey’s Horsehide on our website. His father Jim Small was only 20 years old when he signed it playing for Detroit. That now makes  him 80 . Most likely the youngest player to sign. With …

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American League players drawn by Vic Johnson – Eddie Yost

From the Mickey Vernon Museum, American League Baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson. This caricature of Eddie Yost is just one of a series of 19 caricatures of American League baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson during 1957. This caricature of Eddie Yost and the other 18, is taken from a composite collection of those illustrations and …

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Mickey makes the Majors

Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to the Philadelphia A’s Historical Society to visit his old friend Ernie Montella the executive director.  While in the car, I asked him to proof read a card set that we were producing to celebrate his baseball career.  I was happy when Mickey gave …

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Veterans Day Special – From Senator To Sailor

The Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, located in Delaware County, PA,  is a non-profit museum with the purpose of celebrating the life and career of Mickey himself and the athletes of his home county.  It is funded strictly by donations. Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to …

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Mickey Vernon Museum Receives Ted Williams Letter

    On January 8 of this year, the Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, through Jim Vankoski, curator of the museum, received a surprise donation from Morris “Moe” Bergman of Worcester, MA and Alan Langsner of Needham, MA. The gift was a letter that Mickey Vernon wrote to Ted Williams on January 24th, 1966.   Mickey, winner of two American …

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A List of Living Members of Mickey Vernon’s Horsehide Club

With the recent passing of Eddie Yost  the list of the Living Members of “Mickey Vernon’s Horsehide Club” has been updated. For a donation of $24.95 (the digits represent the number of career hits Mickey Vernon had)  to the Mickey Vernon Museum, you can get a copy of the 11″ x 17″ print shown below, along with a …

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Mickey Vernon Reminiscences

The Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, located in Delaware County, PA,  is a non-profit museum with the purpose of celebrating the life and career of Mickey himself and the athletes of his home county.  It is funded strictly by donations. Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to …

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American League players drawn by Vic Johnson – Yogi Berra

From the Mickey Vernon Museum, American League Baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson. This caricature of Yogi Berra is just one of a series of 19 caricatures of American League baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson during 1957. This caricature of  Yogi Berra and the other 18, is taken from a composite collection of those illustrations and …

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Mickey Vernon – Home Town Boys

The Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, located in Delaware County, PA,  is a non-profit museum with the purpose of celebrating the life and career of Mickey himself and the athletes of his home county.  It is funded strictly by donations. Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to …

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American League players drawn by Vic Johnson – Harvey Kuenn

From the Mickey Vernon Museum, American League Baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson. This caricature of Harvey Kuenn is just one of a series of 19 caricatures of American League baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson during 1957. This caricature of  Harvey Kuenn and the the other 18, is taken from a composite collection of those illustrations …

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