Tag: Mickey Vernon Museum

American League players drawn by Vic Johnson – Ted Williams

From the Mickey Vernon Museum, American League Baseball players drawn by Vic Johnson. This caricature of Ted Williams is just one of a series of 19 caricatures of American League baseball players drawn by ViC. Johnson during 1957. This caricature of Ted Williams and the the other 18, is taken from a composite collection of those illustrations …

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Mickey Vernon – 1946 Batting Title

The Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, located in Delaware County, PA,  is a non-profit museum with the purpose of celebrating the life and career of Mickey himself and the athletes of his home county.  It is funded strictly by donations. Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to …

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So Close To 300

The Mickey Vernon Sports History Museum, located in Delaware County, PA,  is a non-profit museum with the purpose of celebrating the life and career of Mickey himself and the athletes of his home county.  It is funded strictly by donations. Mickey Vernon died on September 24, 2008.  Two months before he died, he and I were taking a trip to …

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D.C. Baseball History – You Make The Call

A couple of days ago I posted a story titled Washington D.C. Baseball on Facebook, in the story I added a D.C. Baseball History Extra. The extra piece was a photo that is titled You Make The Call. The photo was sent to me by Mr. Jim Vankoski who is the curator of The Mickey …

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