I received this story from Jim Ryan and I wanted to share it with you.

John Kurtz in the center.
John Kurtz was actually the regular batboy/ballboy along with Bill Turner and me. Bob Farmer took John’s place on the night that Sid Sussman, reporter for the Evening Star came to Griffith Stadium, took photos and wrote the article on Batboys for Teen Magazine that appeared in the Sunday Star Newpaper on Sunday June 15, 1958.
John’s father was very upset and John was hurt because Sid Sussman was not told that one of us was off when he came. John’s father called the Star and was told they would do a separate article on John. It never happened. Therefore, John was not interviewed and his photo was not taken.
Bob Farmer and I grew up with John and lived in the same Woodmoor/Four Corners, Silver Spring, Maryland vicinity. We feel very bad about this because John was hurt.
I’m personally happy that Jim shared this story with us. It meant a lot to me that his friends never forgot about their friend and fellow batboy. I was also informed that John Kurtz and his wife will be attending the 5th Annual D.C Baseball History. I’m looking forward in at the meeting.