Remembering 1924 – Indians 4, Senators 2





Cleveland Indians 4, Washington Senators 2


Game Played on Tuesday, July 29, 1924 (D) at Dunn Field

WAS A    1  0  0    0  0  0    0  1  0  -   2  6  0
CLE A    0  0  3    0  1  0    0  0  x  -   4  9  1
Washington Senators          AB   R   H RBI      BB  SO      PO   A
Rice rf                       4   0   1   0       0   0       4   0
Leibold cf                    2   2   0   0       2   0       1   0
Harris 2b                     3   0   2   1       1   0       4   5
Goslin lf                     4   0   0   0       0   0       2   0
Judge 1b                      3   0   1   1       1   0       8   2
Ruel c                        4   0   0   0       0   0       2   2
Taylor 3b                     4   0   1   0       0   0       1   2
Peckinpaugh ss                4   0   1   0       0   0       2   1
Marberry p                    1   0   0   0       0   0       0   0
  Speece p                    2   0   0   0       0   1       0   0
  Hargrave ph                 1   0   0   0       0   0       0   0
Totals                       32   2   6   2       4   1      24  12
DP: 2. Peckinpaugh-Harris-Judge, Judge-Ruel-Harris.
2B: Harris (22).
3B: Taylor (1); Peckinpaugh (5).
Team LOB: 7.
Cleveland Indians            AB   R   H RBI      BB  SO      PO   A
McNulty lf                    5   0   2   0       0   0       2   0
Summa rf                      4   1   0   1       0   0       2   0
Speaker cf                    3   2   1   0       1   0       3   1
J. Sewell ss                  3   0   2   0       0   0       5   5
Myatt c                       4   0   2   2       0   0       1   1
Burns 1b                      3   0   2   1       1   0      12   2
Stephenson 2b                 3   0   0   0       1   0       0   2
Lutzke 3b                     1   1   0   0       1   0       2   3
Shaute p                      3   0   0   0       0   0       0   0
Totals                       29   4   9   4       4   0      27  14
DP: 1. Burns-J. Sewell-Burns.
E: Lutzke (19).
SH: Lutzke (9); Shaute (2).
HBP: J. Sewell (2); Lutzke (4).
Team LOB: 9.
SB: Burns (7).
CS: McNulty (7).
Washington Senators          IP     H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR BFP
Marberry L(5-8)               2.2   4   3   3   2   0   0  14
Speece                        5.1   5   1   1   2   0   0  23
Totals                        8     9   4   4   4   0   0  37
HBP: Marberry (7); Speece (1).
Cleveland Indians            IP     H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR BFP
Shaute W(13-10)               9     6   2   2   4   1   0  36
Umpires: HP - Dick Nallin, 1B - Tommy Connolly
Time of Game: 1:30


Team Name                        G    W    L    T   PCT    GB    RS   RA
New York Yankees                99   57   41    1  .582     -   534  451
Detroit Tigers                  97   55   41    1  .573   1.0   518  475
Washington Senators             99   54   43    2  .557   2.5   486  393
St. Louis Browns                94   47   46    1  .505   7.5   468  473
Chicago White Sox               96   45   51    0  .469  11.0   529  547
Cleveland Indians               96   44   52    0  .458  12.0   469  516
Boston Red Sox                  97   42   52    3  .447  13.0   461  484
Philadelphia Athletics          96   39   57    0  .406  17.0   367  493
AL Batting
G                             PA                            AB                            
99  Dugan NY                  464 Wambsganss BOS            417 Rice WAS                  
99  Goslin WAS                459 Cobb DET                  414 Dugan NY                  
99  Pipp NY                   456 Rice WAS                  412 Wambsganss BOS            
99  Ruth NY                   452 Dugan NY                  398 Witt NY                   
99  Scott NY                                                                              

R                             H                             2B                            
99  Ruth NY                   134 Cobb DET                  30  Heilmann DET              
72  Blue DET                  130 Rice WAS                  28  J. Sewell CLE             
71  Cobb DET                  129 Ruth NY                   27  Meusel NY                 
71  Goslin WAS                128 Goslin WAS                27  Veach BOS                 
71  Rice WAS                                                27  Wambsganss BOS            

3B                            HR                            RBI                           
12  Goslin WAS                32  Ruth NY                   86  Ruth NY                   
10  Heilmann DET              16  Williams STL              83  Goslin WAS                
10  Pipp NY                   15  Hauser PHI                77  Meusel NY                 
10  Rice WAS                  13  Jacobson STL              72  J. Sewell CLE             

BB                            SO                            HBP                           
97  Ruth NY                   55  Ruth NY                   12  Burns CLE                 
73  Sheely CHI                49  Kamm CHI                  8   Gerber STL                
62  Collins CHI               38  Riconda PHI               7   Goslin WAS                
59  Peckinpaugh WAS           35  Mostil CHI                7   Manush DET                
59  Rigney DET                35  Ward NY                                                 

SH                            SB                            CS                            
29  Harris WAS                29  Collins CHI               11  Hooper CHI                
25  Severeid STL              17  Meusel NY                 10  Barrett CHI               
23  Ruel WAS                  16  Williams STL              10  Collins CHI               
23  Wambsganss BOS            15  Barrett CHI               10  Sisler STL                
                              15  Harris WAS                                              

BAVG                          OBP                           SLG                           
.384 Ruth NY                  .525 Ruth NY                  .774 Ruth NY                  
.374 Falk CHI                 .456 Sheely CHI               .571 Williams STL             
.345 Goslin WAS               .433 Collins CHI              .541 Jacobson STL             
.343 Jamieson CLE             .430 Heilmann DET             .532 Falk CHI                 

Low BAVG                      Low OBP                       Low SLG                       
.241 Kamm CHI                 .302 Wambsganss BOS           .333 Wambsganss BOS           
.252 Wambsganss BOS           .307 Scott NY                 .336 Gerber STL               
.258 Harris WAS               .308 Galloway PHI             .339 Peckinpaugh WAS          
.269 Peckinpaugh WAS          .319 Severeid STL             .342 Scott NY
AL Pitching
G                             GS                            CG                            
31  Shaute CLE                23  Johnson WAS               18  Thurston CHI              
30  Holloway DET              23  Shaute CLE                17  Ehmke BOS                 
30  Hoyt NY                   22  4 players                 17  Pennock NY                
29  3 players                                               15  Shaute CLE                

SHO                           GF                            SV                            
4   Johnson WAS               18  Gaston NY                 8   Marberry WAS              
3   Davis STL                 17  Connally CHI              4   Connally CHI              
3   Ogden PHI-WAS             17  Holloway DET              4   Quinn BOS                 
3   Rommel PHI                15  Marberry WAS              4   Russell WAS               

W                             L                             IP                            
16  Thurston CHI              11  Lyons CHI                 201.2 Ehmke BOS               
14  Pennock NY                10  6 players                 201.2 Shaute CLE              
13  Shaute CLE                                              191.1 Thurston CHI            
12  Ehmke BOS                                               189.2 Pennock NY              
12  Hoyt NY                                                                               

H                             HR                            R                             
222 Shaute CLE                13  Thurston CHI              104 Lyons CHI                 
204 Hoyt NY                   11  Pennock NY                98  Stoner DET                
202 Pennock NY                10  Stoner DET                93  Shocker STL               
202 Stoner DET                9   3 players                 88  Coveleski CLE             
                                                            88  Shaute CLE                

ER                            BB                            SO                            
87  Lyons CHI                 71  Bush NY                   100 Johnson WAS               
84  Shocker STL               69  Ferguson BOS              85  Shawkey NY                
84  Stoner DET                64  Shaute CLE                78  Ehmke BOS                 
78  Shawkey NY                61  Shawkey NY                60  Pennock NY                

HBP                           WP                            BK                            
9   Piercy BOS                5   Jones NY                  3   Gaston NY                 
9   Whitehill DET             5   Meeker PHI                2   Zachary WAS               
8   Bayne STL                 5   Shaute CLE                1   Many players              
8   Johnson WAS               4   5 players                                               
8   Uhle CLE                                                                              

ERA                              High ERA                         
2.46 Zachary WAS              5.35 Piercy BOS               
2.50 Baumgartner PHI          5.24 Shocker STL              
2.84 Johnson WAS              4.90 Meeker PHI               
2.89 Pennock NY               4.88 Martina WAS
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