Those of you who attended the 6th Annual DC Baseball History Meeting this past

Ed Johnson
February had the pleasure of hearing Ed Johnson present on Washington baseball great Cecil Travis. During the course of his presentation, Ed mentioned that much of the research he’d done for his presentation was done during the 1990s, in anticipation of writing a book on Washington baseball history. While he never got around to writing that book, Ed did get published: his presentation on the 1936-38 Trenton Senators at a symposium at the Trenton City Museum in 1995 was published in the proceedings and later reprised at the New Jersey State Museum and Mercer County Waterfront Park. Ed also had a regular column, “Down on the Farm,” in the Washington Baseball Historical Society’s Nats News, profiling a different Nationals/Senators farm team in each issue.
It’s those histories of Washington’s minor league affiliates that have brought Ed here to the D.C. Baseball History page. We’ve asked Ed to revisit some of those farm club profiles in the hopes they’ll jog the memories of longtime fans and introduce a new generation of fans to an often-overlooked aspect of baseball in Washington.
Ed’s first installment will be on those Trenton Senators. We hope you’ll enjoy it.