The Washington Nationals beat the Cincinnati Reds 7-3 Day at RFK stadium. Walter Johnson Day was in honor of the Big Train’s 105th year anniversary of his ml debut. Before the game Walter Johnson’s daughter Carolyn Thomas and grandson Hank Thomas were honored before the game. Mr. Thomas threw out the pitch. | |
Side Note: This game was not on the schedule as Walter Johnson Day at the beginning of the 2007 season. In early May I noticed the Nationals still didn’t have anything lined up for the August 2nd game against the Reds. At that time I sent an e-mail to the Nationals’ president Stan Kasten. In the message I explained to him the importance of the game on August 2nd. I told him that it would mean a lot to the long-time Washington fans if the Nationals honored Walter Johnson on the 100th Anniversary of the Big Train’s major league debut. | |
Mr. Kasten replied back to me within 10 minutes of sending the message. He told me that he would pass my message on to the head of the Nats marketing department, I have to tell you I forget who that person was right now but I do remember I received a phone call from someone that same day. | |
I was told that they were planning on doing something for the August 2nd game but they just didn’t have any details. Well, two months went by and I still didn’t see anything on the team schedule about Walter Johnson Day. | |
Then I sent another e-mail to the team explaining that more people would attend the game if they announced the fact that on August 2nd the Nats were going to honor Walter Johnson by designated as Walter Johnson Day. | |
Below is a comment Mike “Hendo” Henderson entered on the Washington Post’s Nationals Journal on August 3, 2007. Sectionmate Mark Hornbaker, who claims not to be a writer, nonetheless did a nice piece on Johnson in NationalsPride earlier this week. He brought along some Big Train T-shirts tonight which you might have seen peppering section 428. Mark’s tributes earned us a visit from Stan Kasten, who only had to endure a wee bit of goading re the plan — or The Plan, depending on your point of view. |