Originally posted 12 years ago. “Bob Short’s Picnic Table Diplomacy” 1969 Spring Training 1969′s spring training may have been the most unique in Washington baseball history. Change abounded. The club sported a new owner, Robert E. Short, a celebrity manager, Ted Williams, and even new uniforms (the elegant navy blue pinstripes replaced by gleaming white …
Tag: Jim Hannan
Apr 25
The Joyful Sendoff of 1969
(Part 2 of a 3-part series) The Joyful Sendoff of 1969 After their triumphant return home from the late June into early July road trip that left them with a winning record, the 1969 Senators stumbled into the All-Star break with a 51-50 record. Still, all baseball marveled at the makeover Ted Williams had engineered …
Jun 18
Hannan Isn’t Helping Retirees As Much As He Could Be
So we were out at Doubleday Field, in Cooperstown, NY, watching the 4th Annual Baseball Classic that the Hall of Fame puts on every Father’s Day weekend when one of my buddies pointed out that Jim Hannan’s name was listed in the souvenir scorecard. “Hannan?,” I asked, incredulously. “James John Hannan, of Joisey City, New Jersey?” …
Feb 18
Spring Training – 69 Senators
Part 1 of a Five Part Series on 1969 Spring Training “Bob Short’s Picnic Table Diplomacy” 1969’s spring training may have been the most unique in Washington baseball history. Change abounded. The club sported a new owner, Robert E. Short, a celebrity manager, Ted Williams, and even new uniforms (the elegant navy blue pinstripes replaced …